***Advance purchase tickets are no longer available. General admission tickets can still be purchased at the gate with cash or card***

Do I need to have a dance partner?
--Absolutely not. A large portion of attendees actually do not come to the dance with a partner. Everyone there wants to dance, and no one would mind being asked.
What if I don’t know how to dance?
--As is the custom, we will kick off the dance with a short instruction. The instructor will be at the dance all night to give you one-on-one instruction or to answer any questions. Although some dancers are very skilled, you will find that many are also on a basic level.
Is there an appropriate age group for this event?
--Absolutely not. We have age groups ranging from high school students to WWII veterans, and all are welcome.
I don’t plan on actually dancing, can I get in for free?
--No. This is a fundraising event, and as such free admission would defeat that purpose.
Will there be food/refreshments available?
--Yes. We will have a food truck on site and beverages available in the hangar for a small donation.
Will alcohol be served?
--Utah regulations do not allow us to serve alcohol at our events.
Is vintage dress required?
--Vintage dress is not required but is highly encouraged. The dress is part of what creates the unique atmosphere of our dances. If you do not have vintage dress, then we recommend at least formal/semi-formal attire.
Are Axis uniforms allowed (German, Italian, Japanese, etc.)?
--To reinforce proper theme, we ask that uniforms be kept to Allied uniforms only. In addition to proper context of historical uniforms, we also want to pay respect to the veterans who will be present.
Is there a place to change into my dance clothes at the hangar?
--We ask that you please come to the dance already dressed. Our restrooms are for handicap use only, and using them for changing creates problems for those with particular need for them. We will have small changing tents on the outside of the hangar if you cannot change at home.
What type of surface is the dance floor?
--The dance floor is coated concrete, typical of airplane hangar floors. Although not a typical dancing surface, it is generally suitable for most dance and dress shoes.
Will there be any contemporary/other styles of dancing (west coast swing, country swing, salsa, etc.) during the night?
--It is our theme that sets our dance apart and makes it what it is. Our purpose is to celebrate the era of the 1940’s (with a touch of 1950’s in August), and we intend to adhere strictly to that theme. There are plentiful options around the state at any time of the year for other styles of dancing.
I heard the event was pushed to August?
--We actually have two dances, one in June and a second one in August.
Do I need to have a dance partner?
--Absolutely not. A large portion of attendees actually do not come to the dance with a partner. Everyone there wants to dance, and no one would mind being asked.
What if I don’t know how to dance?
--As is the custom, we will kick off the dance with a short instruction. The instructor will be at the dance all night to give you one-on-one instruction or to answer any questions. Although some dancers are very skilled, you will find that many are also on a basic level.
Is there an appropriate age group for this event?
--Absolutely not. We have age groups ranging from high school students to WWII veterans, and all are welcome.
I don’t plan on actually dancing, can I get in for free?
--No. This is a fundraising event, and as such free admission would defeat that purpose.
Will there be food/refreshments available?
--Yes. We will have a food truck on site and beverages available in the hangar for a small donation.
Will alcohol be served?
--Utah regulations do not allow us to serve alcohol at our events.
Is vintage dress required?
--Vintage dress is not required but is highly encouraged. The dress is part of what creates the unique atmosphere of our dances. If you do not have vintage dress, then we recommend at least formal/semi-formal attire.
Are Axis uniforms allowed (German, Italian, Japanese, etc.)?
--To reinforce proper theme, we ask that uniforms be kept to Allied uniforms only. In addition to proper context of historical uniforms, we also want to pay respect to the veterans who will be present.
Is there a place to change into my dance clothes at the hangar?
--We ask that you please come to the dance already dressed. Our restrooms are for handicap use only, and using them for changing creates problems for those with particular need for them. We will have small changing tents on the outside of the hangar if you cannot change at home.
What type of surface is the dance floor?
--The dance floor is coated concrete, typical of airplane hangar floors. Although not a typical dancing surface, it is generally suitable for most dance and dress shoes.
Will there be any contemporary/other styles of dancing (west coast swing, country swing, salsa, etc.) during the night?
--It is our theme that sets our dance apart and makes it what it is. Our purpose is to celebrate the era of the 1940’s (with a touch of 1950’s in August), and we intend to adhere strictly to that theme. There are plentiful options around the state at any time of the year for other styles of dancing.
I heard the event was pushed to August?
--We actually have two dances, one in June and a second one in August.